Thursday, December 23, 2010

Luke: 3 months old

This has been a busy month for little Luke. Over the past month ...

-on stomach, lift head 90 degrees

-roll over from stomach to back (consistently) ... working hard to roll over below.

-bring both hands together

-follow an object from one side of face to the other

-hold head steady when upright (on my shoulder below)

-grasp a rattle

-bear weight on legs when held upright

-say "ah-goo"

-blow bubbles with lips

-laugh out loud (I think a little giggle escaped in the picture below)

-reach for an object

-keep head level with body when pulled to sitting

-turn in direction of voices or loud noise

-smile spontaneously (happy about celebrating his first Thanksgiving)

1 comment:

Christine said...

He is SO SO cute! He is just such a doll! He has those beautiful brown eyes that all of your kids have. Loved your Christmas card. Hope yall have a Merry Christmas!