Thursday, April 29, 2010

Parents' Night Out

I know you wouldn't think it from reading this blog, but Will and I actually have friends and do stuff without our kids! Thankfully, my parents let the kids spend the night with them this past Saturday night, and we got to go to a fun M.B.A. graduation party for our friend Chris.

Here are our hosts, Holly and Chris, in their beautiful new home. (They just moved in at the end of March, so I guess this was kind of a housewarming party too.)

Some of my friends from book club ... Marianne, Claire and Jessica.

Will and I with our friends Hunter and Marianne. Yes, I really am that much shorter than everyone else in this picture. But I'm 5'6, so I'm really not that short. They are just all tall.

Some other book club friends. Claire, Colleen and Holly. Next up is a going away party for Colleen and her family as they are moving to Missouri in June. We will miss them so much!!

Congrats Chris on your MBA. Thanks for having such a fun party to celebrate!!

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