Friday, September 9, 2011

Luke: 10 months old

Narrated by Luke:

"I don't know why Mommy makes me sit in this chair every month for a picture. I'll just smile and sit still and maybe she'll leave me alone."

"I've started eating table food. Black beans are my favorite, but they are really messy."

"I also had my first big accident. I was mauled by a cat. Ha! Actually, 2-year-old girl scratched my face at HER birthday party. See the scratches across the bridge of my nose and under my right eye and down my right cheek? I cried a lot and there was a lot of blood and my Mommy freaked out a little bit. But then, Daddy arrived and calmed everyone down. And then Mommy left us at the party with Daddy and went to book club. Clearly, she recovered."

"I also really like cheerios. But I have a hard time getting them in my mouth sometimes because they keep sticking to my hands and face."

"I love to explore in the kitchen. Mommy just keeps picking the stuff up and I just pull it right back out again. I think it's pretty funny and she thinks I'm pretty cute."

"I went to VBS this year with my brother and sister. I only got to go because my Mommy was teaching a class. It was pretty fun but I missed my morning nap everyday so I was pretty grumpy when Mommy came to pick me up. My teacher made a really cute photo album of my week and my Mommy was super-excited about that."

"I can stand up in my crib now. This is what I look like when Mommy comes to get me in the morning. I jump up and down and get real excited when she opens the door to my room."

"I have really messy hair in the morning and sometimes I cry if Mommy doesn't come get me fast enough."

"One last thing. I finally have a tooth now. It came in July 4th weekend and I spent most of the weekend indoors with my RiRi and a low-grade temp. But my Mommy was really glad I finally got a tooth ... I think she was beginning to worry."

That is all for this month.

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