Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Under the Big Top

We took Claire and David to the circus back in January.  It was my first time at a "for real" circus too.  It was a really great show! 

{On a side note, the kids look a little ragged because they had spent the day before swimming at a hotel and staying up late with grandparents and cousins and then got up early that morning to go to church.  We went straight from church to lunch, then the circus.  They were pooped!!}

The opening of the show.

Blurry ringmaster.

Some clowns.  There were many clowns!

I'll have to admit.  I was a little OVERSTIMULATED!

There were miniature horses that ran around in circles.

And there was a highwire act right in front of our seats.

This silly circus hat came with our $12 cotton candy. 

Another picture with me.  The kids' noses are red from all the nose wiping all weekend.  I took them all 3 to the doctor the next week and the boys both had ear infections and Claire had some kind of virus (not the stomach kind fortunately!).

The elephants put on a grand show!  I will say, however, the circus is not for those with weak stomachs. (The elephants just did their business right on the floor ... #2 I might add ... and a circus worker shoveled it right up ... not a job I want!)

Lots of confetti during the grand finale.

The show was great and the kids were perfect!  What more could we ask for?  The kids have already been asking to go back next year!

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