Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

I'll post some pictures of our egg hunts and Easter baskets and such soon, but to focus on the true meaning of Easter, here we are all dressed up for church Sunday morning.  We worshipped at 8AM and kept the nursery at 9:30.  Claire was very excited to attend "big church" and help us with the babies in the nursery.  I was very excited to attend "big church" too as I have not been in a worship service since August. (I go to small group at 8AM and teach 2 year olds at 9:30.)  The worship did not disappoint!  And I got to sing my favorite

We've been reading the Easter story to the kids from the Jesus Storybook Bible and it always brings a tear to my eye.  I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes here.

(from the Lord's Supper)
"My body is like this bread.  It will break," Jesus told them.  "This cup of wine is like my blood.  It will pour out." 

"But this is how God will rescue the whole world.  My life will break and God's broken world will mend.  My heart will tear apart -- and your hearts will heal.  Just as the passover lamb died, so now I will die instead of you.  My blood will wash away all of your sins.  And you'll be clean on the inside -- in your hearts."

(when Jesus was being ridiculed on the cross for not saving himself)
You see, they didn't understand.  It wasn't the nails that kept Jesus there.  It was love.

(when Jesus was getting ready to leave after he had risen from the dead)
"There's a place for you.  I'll get it ready" ... "you know the way."  Thomas had panicked.  "I don't know the way to get there!"  "Yes, you do," Jesus had said.  "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life."

So simply put but so true!  Happy Easter!

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