Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Re-Gifting ...

at its finest. We gave this garage to my nephew for Christmas last year. Since he recently celebrated a birthday, my sister was trying to make room for all of his new toys and asked if we wanted the garage for David. I said, "Absolutely. Yes!"

As you can see from David's BIG smile, it was a BIG hit.

Do you re-gift? I do sometimes, but only if the item is: (1) new/unused, and (2) something I would give the person anyway. It is the thought that counts right? We are thankful that Aunt Ashley thought of us when she was getting rid of Ian's outgrown toys!

1 comment:

Lou Lou said...

Everytime I see my sister she either give me a big bag of hand me down clothes or toys. It is such a blessing to not have to spend money on that stuff! David's hair is so light!